Global Warming Prediction Project
Global Warming Prediction Project
Monthly Predictions: April 2011 to March 2017
Beginning with this month we extend the predictions to 72 months. The overall observation from these predictions is that temperatures in most latitudinal bands will remain almost constant at the current level. Rather strong warming, however, is expected on the land mass of the pole regions (northern parts of Greenland, Canada and Russia, Antarctica).
Global temperature anomalies are marginally increasing from 0.4 to 0.5°C in average (0.01°C per year).
Largest expected warming is seen for the polar bands (90N-70N_lat and 90S-70S_lat) with 0.11°C and 0.067°C per year starting from high average temperature anomalies of 2.4°C for the North Pole region.
Largest expected cooling: Only marginal cooling is predicted for few bands.
Land air temperatures, exclusive the pole regions, are in average remain constant.
Sea surface temperatures are also change only slightly up or down with trend to warm, especially in the southern hemisphere.
On the northern hemisphere, except the north pole region, temperatures are almost stay constant with a light tendence to cool.
On the southern hemisphere temperatures are almost stay constant with a light tendence to warm.
The objective of this project is doing monthly modeling and prediction of global temperature anomalies through self-organizing knowledge extraction from public data. The project is impartial and has no hidden personal, financial, political or other interests. It is entirely independent, transparent, and open in results.